Medical Energy Boosters

medart clinic – london

Vitamins D and B12 injections

Do you find yourself struggling to get through the day without relying on multiple cups of coffee or energy drinks? Many people suffer from low energy levels, which can have a significant impact on their overall well-being and productivity. Medical energy boosters are designed to address the underlying causes of fatigue and provide a much-needed boost to your energy levels. They can help you regain your vitality and enjoy a more energized and fulfilling life. We offer both Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 injections for increased energy.

Treatment Areas:

Injection in arm or leg

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Why choose us

Dr Irena understands the importance of energy in our daily lives and how it can affect our overall well-being. That is why she is dedicated to providing personalised treatment plans that are tailored to each patient’s specific needs. Whether you are looking to increase energy levels, improve focus and concentration, or combat fatigue, Dr Irena has the knowledge and skills to help you achieve your goals.

Vitamin B12 Injection

Frequently asked questions

Vitamin D and vitamin B12 injections can provide a boost of energy due to their essential roles in the body’s energy production processes. Vitamin D helps regulate calcium levels in the body, which is crucial for muscle function and energy metabolism. Additionally, vitamin D plays a role in supporting the immune system, which can indirectly contribute to increased energy levels. On the other hand, vitamin B12 is involved in the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Adequate oxygen supply is essential for energy production. Therefore, by replenishing these important vitamins through injections, individuals can experience an increase in energy levels and overall vitality.

The time it takes for vitamin D to work can depend on various factors, including the individual’s current vitamin D levels, their overall health, and the dosage of supplementation. In some cases, people may notice an improvement in symptoms related to vitamin D deficiency, such as muscle weakness or bone pain, within a few weeks of starting supplementation.

The time it takes for vitamin B12 to work can also vary depending on the individual’s levels and their absorption capacity. Some individuals may notice improvements in symptoms related to vitamin B12 deficiency, such as fatigue or cognitive difficulties, within a few weeks of starting supplementation.

It is important to note that the effects of vitamins D and B12 are not instantaneous, and it may take time for the body to restore optimal levels and for noticeable improvements to occur.

The duration of the effects of vitamin D largely depends on the individual’s levels and exposure to sunlight. For individuals with low vitamin D levels, it may take several weeks or even months of consistent supplementation or sun exposure to see noticeable improvements in their health. On the other hand, the effects of vitamin B12 can be felt relatively quickly, as it is involved in energy production and neurological function. However, long-term benefits may require consistent intake or injections, especially for individuals with B12 deficiency or malabsorption issues.

Most individuals can resume their normal activities immediately after receiving vitamin D and vitamin B12 injections.

Vitamin D and vitamin B12 injections are generally considered safe when administered under the guidance of a healthcare professional, like Dr Irena. These injections are often recommended for individuals who have deficiencies in these vitamins, as they can help restore optimal levels in the body.

your journey

1. Your Consultation

Dr Irena will conduct a thorough assessment of your medical history, including any existing health conditions or allergies. This helps to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure and if any precautions need to be taken. She will then discuss the benefits and potential risks of the treatment with you to ensure you have a clear understanding of what to expect.

your journey

2. Your Treatment

Dr Irena will prepare the injection by filling a syringe with the appropriate amount of vitamin D or vitamin B12. The injection is then administered into a muscle, usually in the upper arm. After the injection, Dr Irena will apply pressure to the injection site to minimise bleeding and discomfort.

your journey

3. Your Aftercare

Patients are advised to rest for a short period of time after the injections. It might also be recommended that you avoid any strenuous activities or heavy lifting for 24 hours to allow the body to recover.

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“I have had Botox treatment with Dr. Irena few times already. Every time she made sure I was comfortable and well informed. Dr. Kovacheva is very knowledgeable and talked me through all the steps of the treatment . I loved my experience of the treatment. Would for sure recommend and will be coming back for more treatments!”

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